Ingredients matter isn’t just a pretty slogan that we like to use at Elevation Burger. Infact, what we mean by it is that the people in our community are the ingredients that matter to us the most. On February 24th, 2020 the first confirmed case of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Kuwait was announced. During this pandemic , our mission to advance the region’s food experience with smarter and sustainable choices remains the same.
While the government urged everyone to stay at home, uncertainty and panic spread, which led to costs cutting starting with employees. TABCo.Food on the other hand, was focusing on proactively taking extreme safety measures towards employees, customers, partners, and our frontliners. Our multicultural mix of employees and our ability to quickly adapt new methodologies allowed us to move forward at such times. We started by creating a clear communication channel that aligned all of our employees during this pandemic. As the CEO Abdulaziz AlTuraiji mentioned
“the safety of our customers and employees are our top priority, and has always been since the last 10 years.”
When it came to our employees, we took the initiative to provide each employee with a ‘hygiene kit” which included hand sanitizers, face masks, and gloves. The idea here was that we wanted each employee to maintain their clean hygiene at all times even at their homes. We automatically created an emergency team who was responsible for updating all employees on the latest updates of Covid-19 and made sure to take their temperatures before entering the kitchen/workspace. Food safety is the most important factor of our business. We have an in-house quality control team that monitors our team to make sure that we are complying with our hygienic standards as well as the government’s protocols as we accommodated the new rules and regulations that were put into place as a result of this pandemic.
We also collaborated with Fawzia Sultan Rehabilitation Institute to conduct mental health and wellness workshops for our employees with Dr. Fatma Qadhfan . They were designed to make space for discussion and team building activities. Our goal by the end of the workshops was to help our employees gain a broad understanding of psychological health and wellbeing, know more on managing stress during such crucial times, build awareness around the importance of creative expression and practice clear communication.
Safety was always one of our highest priorities at Elevation Burger. Being known for our food safety protocols, helped us move forward at such times.
We found that by adding an extra layer of plastic bag that was sealed tight, customers could safely receive their food with the least amount of contamination. We continuously looked for other ways to upscale our existing hygienic standards on delivery with our partners Talabat and Carriage.
Our customers’ safety is just as important. In order to adhere to the rules and regulations of the ministry, hand sanitizers were available in stores for customers, a branded message was placed on our floors to remind people to keep a 1 meter distance between each other, and only 5 customers were allowed inside the store at a time.
In addition, we believe that our customers’ mental wellbeing is just as important so we collaborated with Dr. Mohammad AlSuwaidan and raised awareness of the importance of mental health by releasing a series of motivational messages to the public on our social media platforms hoping to benefit the public with some useful tips.
During this pandemic, our frontliners are facing the most difficult job trying to keep our community safe. In return, we believe it is our responsibility to take initiative in reaching out to as many frontliners and volunteers who have risked their lives.
“We proudly visited 17 CoOps around Kuwait and 4 institutes and offered them our organic meals to fuel them during such tough times”
said the community marketing manager Dana Hamadah. Our support continued to the frontliners, firefighters, medical staff at Kuwait International airport. We’ve also reached out to Al Kout quarantine, not only with our food but we’ve also provided gifts for the kids in quarantine.
We are grateful to be part of this country and community, and truly thank all the heroes for all their hard work and effort. We hope you stay safe and remember to wear your personal protective equipment when going out (since this pandemic isn’t over just yet) !
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